Office field

Use Villa Record furniture that can be freely matched from retro space to modern space to add personality to your space.

Office field

"Ensure that every chair sent to other countries is safe, environmentally friendly and elegant, based on the world and well-known overseas"


Office field

"Ensure that every chair sent to other countries is safe, environmentally friendly and elegant, based on the world and well-known overseas"


E-sports field

Use Villa Record furniture that can be freely matched from retro space to modern space to add personality to your space.

E-sports field

"Ensure that every chair sent to other countries is safe, environmentally friendly and elegant, based on the world and well-known overseas"


E-sports field

"Ensure that every chair sent to other countries is safe, environmentally friendly and elegant, based on the world and well-known overseas"


Home Furni

Use Villa Record furniture that can be freely matched from retro space to modern space to add personality to your space.

Home Furni

"Ensure that every chair sent to other countries is safe, environmentally friendly and elegant, based on the world and well-known overseas"


Home Furni

"Ensure that every chair sent to other countries is safe, environmentally friendly and elegant, based on the world and well-known overseas"


Product Process

The best quality raw materials are used to create exquisitely designed, 

elegant and ergonomic furniture under a strictly controlled manufacturing 

process, with special consideration for the comfort of the human body and the user.


The second bed for contemporary people Choose the computer chair that suits you!

1How to choose a computer chair that suits you. The current youth group's dependence on computers is increasing. Daily study and work are inseparable from the computer, especially the energetic group of college students who go out at night and the office white-collar workers who wake up early an
